Acupuncture Philadelphia and Extreme Emotions

About 300,000 people in the United States commit suicide annually and a substantial amount of these cases are due to depression.  One fourth of all men and women in the US suffer from major depression according to US government statistics.  Anti-depressive medications Effexor or Celexa among others are designed to regulate the brain’s serotonin levels.  These drugs all carry with them inherently harmful toxins that damage the liver and kidneys in long-term usage, which sadly for many with major depression need to do.  Acupuncture Philadelphia with help from Chinese herbal medicine is a very effective treatment for extreme negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, stress-caused fatigue and mood swings helpful for those whose lifestyle make them susceptible confronting these feelings.  What sets acupuncture and Oriental herbal medicine apart from the Western conventional way of addressing extreme emotions is that the former treat the root cause of the disease – the disharmony and imbalance caused by the exposure to external sustained and severe stress.  This kind of stress, if not addressed, can lead to alterations of neurotransmitters such as a lowering of brain production of serotonin and these manifests in symptoms like worrying, inadequate sleep, weakness and depression.

Upon consultation, it is imperative that the acupuncturist make an accurate diagnosis since the diagnosis will decide on what acupuncture sites will be treated with needles.  A precise diagnosis results in an excellent treatment outcome since the acupuncturist would know what approach to take based on the diagnosis.  Many cases of prolonged severe depression and thoughts of suicide are encountered by acupuncturists and because these professionals are good at coming up with an accurate diagnosis, just one acupuncture session is all most of these cases need to cure them of their depression permanently.  A wrong diagnosis can actually make the depression or problem worse, which can lead to a far worse scenario such as suicide.

Some patients suffering from prolonged fatigue and depression may not harbor musings of suicide but still suffer nevertheless from lack of sleep, anxiety and severe stress.  Acupuncture for cases extreme emotions is combined with herbology to optimize and facilitate the treatment.  Many patients experience immediate results in just the first visit and typically, the treatment may take a week to three months depending on the degree of the problem and the way the patient reacts to the therapy.  Regardless of the duration, the patient suffering from depression always experiences a betterment of hi/her feelings and an alleviation of anxiety, sleeplessness and added vitality.  The patient also benefits from its drug-free and zero side effect safe approach and does not suffer from any kind of medication withdrawals even when he/she ceases with the herb and acupuncture treatment.