Why Acupuncture Works Perfectly In The Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which people often suffer from excessive sweating. Relief can be provided through acupuncture treatment helping them avoid adverse medications and more invasive medical procedures. Choosing acupuncture treatment in West Orange for excessive sweating can be especially beneficial because a qualified acupuncturist has the proper skill and training to assess the patient’s specific situation and come up with a plan of treatment to address the specific issues the patient has. Acupuncture treatment can be used to directly influence an overactive sympathetic nervous system, that can be the direct reason for the excessive sweating, or for other conditions whose symptoms include sweating. The treatment can also help reduce anxiety and alleviate stress – two factors that tend to aggravate or even trigger problems with excessive sweating.

Acupuncture’s one very good benefit is that it provides people with another option to conventional medical treatments that can involve drugs, exposure to chemicals, or even surgery. Patients with hyperhidrosis who have undergone Western medical treatments are usually exposed to strong chemicals through their use of antiperspirants or suffer from the side effects of prescription medications. Surgery, specifically, endoscopic thoracic surgery, may even be suggested for severe cases in order to halt the activity of the sympathetic nerve. These modes of treatment are not only very unpleasant or invasive they also are unable to explore the specific situation of the patient.

The use of acupuncture for hyperhidrosis is based on the underlying cause of the problem. People suffering from primary hyperhidrosis profusely sweat for no known reason, although this condition is believed to be due to sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity. People suffering from secondary hyperhidrosis may see their sweating to be the result of another condition or disease like hyperthyroidism. In treating hyperhidrosis, the practitioner thoroughly evaluates what its cause or causes are prior to treatment. He or she will then insert needles into the determined dermatomes or nerve points to stop the symptom and the root cause of the problem.

Acupuncture stress and anxiety that are associated with or contribute to the rise of hyperhidrosis. Stress and anxiety can trigger an attack or it may simply make the problem worse. Hyperhidrosis definitely causes anxiety as it can be embarrassing and unpleasant. Under the hands of a qualified and skilled practitioner, acupuncture can lower the stress a patient is feeling and help balance the body’s energy which can help reduce sweating, that leads to less stress and less worry.