The Various Treatments Of Traditional Chinese Medicine

TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine in Bellmore is a medical system that comprises a wide variety of treatments from different parts of East Asia. It’s a very popular and long-standing medical practice in several Asian countries despite being considered an alternative form of treatment in Western cultures. But what is TCM exactly?

The Definition of TCM

Traditional Chinese Medicine basically pertains to balance and is a holistic healing system that treats the spirit, body, and mind as a whole. Any one area of an entire person that becomes imbalanced – in both the meta-physical and physical sense, will lead to disease.

TCM derives its origins from the concept of yin yang (a theory that’s been absorbed by Taoism). This concept is again all about balance and states that everything in the universe can be classified into two complementary and yet opposing parts. Some common examples of this are dark/light, moon/sun, cold/hot, female/male and so forth. Traditional Chinese Medicine is designed to preserve health and balance in a person.

Meridians and Chi

Chi or Qi pertains to the life energy of the body. It’s usually mistaken to mean “soul” or “spirit,” when in fact, it is more like the energy in the blood that circulates throughout the body. Chi moves through the body via a network of energy channels called meridians.

The specifics of chi alone can itself be a lifetime study, and it is a whole new topic that’s way beyond the scope of this article. In simple terms, chi is an energy that circulates throughout the body and in Chinese medicine it is an extremely important concept.

Treatments Offered in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a form of holistic treatment that includes an amazing range of treatments such as:


Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese art of sticking very thin needles into the skin of a person. Acupuncture traditionally follows the meridian channels of the body although today, practitioners are inclined to use their own spin to this therapy’s techniques. Commonly used for nervous-system problems, psychological disorders, and chronic pain, acupuncture is now recommended by its most devout supporters for just about any disease.

Chinese Herbal medicine

This therapy involves the use of natural products such as mushrooms, roots, and herbs for their medicinal value. Some practitioners use minerals and certain illegal animal parts, which for some strange reason is not frowned upon by the Chinese Communist government. Some herbal remedies treat virtually any condition and sickness known to Western medicine, and even some that aren’t.

Gua sha

Gua sha therapy is an unusual healing technique involving the rubbing of the skin with a smooth tusk, bone, stone, or jade, usually leading to painful red marks or bruising on the skin. The medical applications of gua sha are quite broad and can be used for illnesses ranging from fever to cholera. This therapy is not for someone who has a low threshold for pain.


The ancient healing art of cupping therapy is a distinct type of detoxification/massage treatment. It involves the use of special glass cups that have the internal air of the cup heated by smoke or fire. The cups are placed on the back while still warm to suction the skin into the cup. Some holistic clinics use cups designed with pumps installed. Cupping is not recommended for people who soon plan to go to the beach as it leaves huge reddish circles all over the back. It is designed to detoxify the body of chemicals and toxins.

Breathing and Physical Exercises

Practitioners and patients of Traditional Chinese Medicine are also encouraged to engage in healthy exercise. However, proper exercises will only do in order to balance and restore the smooth flow of chi. As with various breathing exercises and meditation, yoga, qi gong, and taichi are all deemed to be ideal exercises within the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Is It safe to Undergo Traditional Chinese Medicine?

If used correctly, Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very safe treatment for all types of people. It definitely provides significant therapeutic value but as with any form of medicine, it can be dangerous and harmful if it’s used improperly. Before starting on a new treatment, you need to talk to a health care professional.

Traditional Chinese Medicine also is known to be a less regulated treatment. Con and scam artists proliferate which makes it doubly important to very carefully check the background and reputation of the practitioner. Also, this lack of regulation can mean that the scientific community has not yet tested many of these Chinese medical practices, which can then mean that the therapies can vary from useless to harmful or beneficial. Common sense and thorough care should be once again your guide.

Can I Use Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Simply put, it depends. Lots of people are now turning to alternative therapies because of very high medical costs, doctor’s errors, and drug recalls. There are various ways it can benefit patients. However, it may not be the best choice for some people. These include people with appendicitis and other acute conditions and people with cancer. Nonetheless, this doesn’t suggest that other conventional or alternative treatments can’t be complemented with Traditional Chinese Medicine to augment the treatment. In the end, it is up to the person to decide what healthcare plan is best for him or her.

In the growing field of alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is just one among many potential treatments now available.