The Main Idea Behind Acupuncture Is The Flow Of Qi Through The Body

One of the most important modalities that evolved in the health care system of China more than 2,500 years ago is acupuncture. Acupuncture is the practice that uses filiform needles applied into the skin to stimulate certain anatomic points in the body (known as acupuncture points or acupoints) to bring about healing. Its name comes from two Latin words, “acus” and “pungere” which literally means “needle” and “piercing”.

The main idea behind acupuncture is based on the belief that the body has patterns of energy (Qi) that flow throughout the body that is vital for health and well-being. Any disruptions or disturbances to this flow leads to illnesses and diseases. In theory, acupuncture is supposed to rectify these imbalances in Qi circulation by using needles to stimulate predetermined acupoints on the skin.

Acupuncture utilizes stimulation traditionally through the use of fine needles to heal the body. Nowadays, however, acupuncturists may use mild pulses of electromagnetic energy, suction, friction, pressure, or heat to stimulate the acupoints. American medicine was introduced to acupuncture in 1972 during President Nixon’s visit to China. This opened the door to the East and connected America to the Orient. Since then, acupuncture has become a very good alternative treatment to Western conventional treatment methods.

In order to really understand the workings of acupuncture, you need to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of Chinese philosophy that emphasizes the essence of acupuncture theory. The manner in which acupuncture gained popularity in the developed and developing nations of the world in the past four decades proves that it can be a very important vehicle for maintaining well-being and overall good health for all people.

Jamie Catlett is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist in Jacksonville, FL and the founder of Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic.