Some Acupressure Points To Remember To Help Relieve Headaches

A headache is one of the most common ailments you can experience. Almost all people living and who have lived on earth have experienced it at some point in their lives. A headache is bound to occur eventually since there can be many potential causes for it and it isn’t always easy to avoid some of its causes like, for example, a sudden change in the weather. Some people develop headaches because of work stress or because they can’t get enough sleep.

Some sufferers have discovered alternative and natural treatments for headaches that are so easy to do you can do it in the comfort of your own home. One of these treatments is acupressure.

Before acupuncture came to be, the ancient Tibetans had already developed acupressure. To explain how this healing procedure works in the most basic way possible, one should understand that inside your body, there are invisible channels where vital energy or qi flows. You can speed up or slow down this energy flow by applying pressure on certain pressure points in your body. Underneath these pressure points is where the energy channels known as meridians are located. There are several ways one can stimulate the meridians in order to manipulate the flow of qi. The easiest way is by acupressure. With acupressure, one can use his own fingers to stimulate the meridians. You can also use any kind of instrument that can help stimulate certain pressure points. The tip of a pen, for example, can be used to press down firmly at a specific pressure point on your hands, ear, or body. In a matter of seconds, you’re headache is gone. Each person has a certain unique specific point that can lead to headache relief when stimulated with pressure. However, there are five commonly used pressure points that have been found to relieve headaches. These points include:

1. The point between the index finger and thumb: A pressure point exists in between these two fingers. Massage the area between the fore-finger and thumb and afterwards firmly pinch it.
2. The base of the skull: This is the part where the main muscles for the head and neck resides. Press back and tilt your head in a circular motion.
3. The temples: A lot of muscle stress that goes to the rest of the scalp originates here. To help lessen some of that pent up tension, gently massage both temples with your fingers or thumbs.
4. The inside of your eyebrows, just above the bridge of your nose: Directly over the sinuses, apply pressure to this point. This will help relieve the headache. You may notice that this is where your hands naturally go to when you’re having a headache.

So, when you start to experience an ache developing behind your eyes, strive to remember some of these helpful tips that can stop the headache in a natural way. This will help stop the pain before it gets any worse.

Acupuncture Health Center
1303 Astor St #101
Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 715-1824
