Rheumatoid Arthritis And Chinese Nutritional Therapy

In Spokane Chinese medicine, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is known as “arthralgia syndrome.” RA is a systemic disease marked by chronic inflammation of tissues and joints. It is a common condition that manifests in symptoms such as numbness; painful extension of bones, joints, and muscles; and swelling in the joint.

Principles of Chinese Nutritional Therapy:

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Chinese nutritional practitioners recommend patients with RA to:

  • Avoid eating plenty of seafoods.
  • Avoid eating fatty foods.
  • Balance the nutrition of everyday meals.

As main course, RA sufferers should choose steamed bun, rice, and other mild foods and consume tomatoes and veggies such as cabbage and cucumber. To increase resistance after the symptoms have been reduced, consume more nutritious foods like lean meat.

Foods recommended for RA:

Coix seeds:

  • Create porridge with jing mi or unprocessed non-glutinous rice and grounded coix.
    Create wine with qu mi and grounded coix seed.

Yi yi ren (coix seeds), Fang feng:

  • 10 gm fang feng and 30 gm coix seeds. Boil them together and apply each day.

Si gua (loofah) porridge:

  • 100 gm jing mo, 50 gm si gua. Turn them into porridge. Consume for long time use and when it’s getting cooler.

Ren dong teng (Honeysuckle Stem) wine:

  • One kilo Chinese rice wine, 6 gm da qing yan (halitum), 6 gm gan cao (licorice root), 6 gm chuan wu (aconiti carmichaeli radix), 6 gm wu mei (Chinese plum), and 30 gm ren dong teng (honeysuckle stem).
  • For one week, soak all the ingredients in the wine and when it’s ready, drink one small bottle each day.


  • Mash the papayas and mix with half water and half wine into paste, administer on the affected area and wrap the area with cloth. Change when the paste gets cold.

Feng Bi Symptom

Aim of Nutritional therapy:  remove torpor, relax the veins, and eliminate wind.

Nutritional Therapies:

  • White snake wine: 30 gm dang gui, 30 gm wu jia pi, 30 gm qiang huo, 30 gm fang feng, 90 gm white snake. Mix all ingredients into 1500 to 2000 wine, open when it’s well soaked, one month later.
  • Linseed porridge: lobster and salt sauce, green onions, and linseed. Throw ingredients into the porridge. Administer three days in succession.

Shi bi symptoms:

Signs and symptoms: Tightness in the chest, drowsiness, numbness, pain, swelling in the joints, etc.

Aim of Nutritional therapy: treat numbness, relax the veins, and eliminate dampness.

Nutritional therapies:

  • Fu ling powder porridge: 100 gm geng mi and 30 gm Fu ling powder. Add fu ling powder and stir when porridge is almost done. Administer for seven days continuously, one bowl a day.
  • Papaya decoction: 15 gm papaya, cook with adequate amount of water. Continuously for half a month, administer once a day.

Re bi symptoms:

Signs and symptoms: wind cold pathogenic elements logical factors and wind dampness result in symptoms such as fever, redness in the skin, difficulty in relaxing the body, feeling of comfort when staying in cool place, burning and redness in certain areas of the body, and severe pain in muscles and joints.  

Aim of Nutritional therapy: treat numbness, relax the veins, and eliminate heat.

Nutritional therapy

  • Da dou huang: 600 gm Da dou huang, fry using charcoal. Crush them and apply.