Acupuncture for Migraines

A lot of migraine sufferers who have read how acupuncture can be of help for their problem are willing to try out this oriental type of therapy mainly because of their desire to experience a much better outcome compared to the benefits of conventional therapies they have tried. Acupuncturists guarantee that as long as their patients fully follow the plan of treatment developed by their acupuncturist, they will experience good to great results from this treatment. The British Medical Journal has stated that acupuncture can help lessen the number of migraine episodes among other things.

We need to see first the statistics and physiological aspects of migraines before discussing the role acupuncture plays in the treatment of this condition.

Almost 80% of people living in the United States experience headaches that recur at certain times in their life. These headaches can be classified as either primary or secondary. Depression, tension, cluster and migraines headaches are considered primary headaches and are caused by a dysfunction in the central nervous system. Headaches that are not caused by problems in the nervous system but may come from conditions such as TMJ, flu, liver failure, renal failure or hypertension among others are known as secondary headaches.

Females are three times more at risk in developing migraine headaches, with or without aura; moreover, about one fourth of adult females suffer from migraine. Diagnosing this condition is usually based on the severity, quality, duration, frequency and location of the pain as well as the patient’s family or personal history of headaches since almost all migraine sufferers (90%) do show a family history of migraine.

Scientists explain that migraine happens when there is a rapid opening or vasodilation of the blood vessels in the head that causes the throbbing pain characteristic of a migraine. They also have seen the role serotonin plays in the process which explains why SSRIs like Prozac are used to resolve the headaches. Usually NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or naproxen are used to treat the pain but this just alleviates it without really tackling the recurrence and underlying cause of the migraine.

Each migraine sufferer experiences this type of headache in a unique way. There are those that become more sensitive to certain odors, while some may experience strong visual aura like tunnel vision or zigzag lines just before an attack. Sufferers can ease the pain when they stay in a quiet and dark room or after having slept. Episodes of migraines can strike anytime even while you are at rest or very busy at work. The following are helpful tips that can help you lessen the pain, duration and frequency of your migraine:

  1. You can avoid certain factors that can trigger episodes of migraines such as sudden or rapid changes to temperature or air pressure, flashing lights, alcohol, chocolate and nitrates to name a few. A lot of women experience attacks of migraine during hormone changes and the cycle of their menstruation. It is helpful to record in a journal the times you experience your migraine attacks. It can help you identify the factors causing your migraine and can help you take better control of your environment and avoid the chance of triggering migraine or at least help you anticipate the onset of this condition in the future. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) depends on information gathered during a migraine attack plus the information you provide your TCM practitioner. This information may include the duration, location and characteristic of the pain as well as what you experienced, smelled or saw during an attack. It will be easier for the practitioner to diagnose your underlying problem.
  2. During an attack, you can perform basic acupressure procedures to lessen the pain. You or an acupressure practitioner can exert manual pressure on acupoints located around the base of the skull including Gallbladder 12, Bladder 10 or Gallbladder 20. You can also apply acupressure on Gallbladder 21 located on the neck on the trapezius muscle. Acupuncturists may treat points around the hands like Liver 1, 2, or 3 or Large Intestine 4 to relieve the headache. Whether one performs mild or strong pressure or a counterclockwise or clockwise motion will depend on whether the pain decreases. There are also patients who find pain relief when they apply either a cool or hot towel to their forehead or the back of their neck.
  1. TCM and acupuncture are quite effective in treating migraine pain. Acupuncturists and TCM practitioners know how to identify the pattern of your migraine pain. Usually though, the sufferer may manifest blockage of qi flow and stagnation in the body that can be complicated by lack of blood or rising energy to the head. Your acupuncturist/TCM practitioner can explain to you this diagnosis. The primary aim of treatment is to release the pent up energy in order to restore its normal and free flow throughout the body and minimize its accumulation in the head. Apart from herbal therapy and acupuncture, your acupuncturist/practitioner will often require you to perform stress relief practices like yoga or meditation and exercise to enable the qi to flow freely and normally.

When a migraine sufferer avails of a drug regimen to treat his/her migraines, the treatment may take a whole month before he/she experiences significant results and up to three months before the patient experiences maximum effects. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is a treatment one can avail of once a week for an extended period of time for the treatment of migraine. After the completion of the initial course of treatment and the migraines have stopped, the acupuncturist/practitioner and the patient need to figure out if the length of time between treatments need to be changed to help treat the patient’s migraine.

Migraine headaches are serious conditions since they often affect the quality of life of the sufferer in a big way and can be quite debilitating. Trying to treat it with medications often can be frustrating. TCM and acupuncture are able to relieve the symptoms as well as resolve the root cause of the problem.