Psoriasis Treatments and Drugs

Psoriasis has no known cure but that does not mean it cannot be treated by systemic, topical medications and other treatments. Almost all (up to 90%) of psoriasis sufferers can find relief in these treatments during their psoriasis flare ups.

Topical Treatments for Psoriasis

These types of medications are applied straight into the affected spot of your body so as to give relief to the affected site without needing to experience the whole body side effects oral systemic drugs give. Some topical treatments include:

Steroid ointments/cream – This is the most commonly used form of psoriasis treatment and it helps to prevent the overproduction of skin cells that cause psoriasis, relieve itching, and relieve inflammation.  There are strong dosages of this treatment that may be more potent than milder ones but they have side effects like thinning, irritation, dryness and burning of the skin. Whenever you use stronger types of steroid creams be sure to faithfully follow your doctor’s instructions.

Salicylic acid – Doctors recommend salicylic acid to help shed the psoriatic scales and smooth the skin. One issue in using this medication is that applying salicylic acid over large areas of skin can lead to side effects some of which can include temporary hair loss and skin irritation among others. The effectiveness of this treatment is at best modest.

Coal-tar shampoos and ointments – Coal tar products fight psoriasis by slowing the overproduction of skin cells. As with all types of medicines, these products have side effects like rash that look like pimple that grows in the hair follicles. This condition is called folliculitis. These medications are only to be used per doctor’s orders.

Calcipotriene topical cream/ointment – Calcipotriene is a drug that mimics the effects of vitamin D and is a proven treatment for psoriasis more so when it is used along with a topical corticosteroid ointment/cream. In order to avoid side effects, only use small amounts of calcipotriene topical treatments.

Prescription retinoids – Prescription retinoids use a manmade form of vitamin A to combat psoriasis symptoms. These are topical treatments that are not as quick as steroid preparations in providing relief. Side effects of topical retinoids include irritation and dryness of the skin.

Light Therapy

Sufficient sunlight exposure that does not cause sunburn can be an effective way to treat psoriasis spots for many psoriasis sufferers. Light therapy is especially effective for hard to treat psoriasis cases. A particularly effective form of light therapy is PUVA (psoralen medicine joined with ultraviolet A light). Due to its increased likelihood to cause skin cancer, this therapy is not now as popular as it used to be. Another type of light therapy called ultraviolet B light or UVB therapy that utilizes a light box alone and sometimes combined with coal tar therapy or other kinds of therapy is a much safer form of light treatment causing less likelihood of skin cancer formation than PUVA. The other good thing about UVB is it is just as effective as PUVA. .

Oral Treatments

When topical treatments or light therapy do not work, the doctor might opt for oral medicines to treat psoriasis. These are systemic drugs which mean their effects affect the whole body. These drugs primarily affect the immune system. They are quite effective in controlling psoriasis symptoms. The drug methotrexate that is used as a chemotherapy drug as well as a treatment for various types of arthritis has also shown to effectively treat psoriasis lesions. Before, prescribing these drugs, the doctor should perform blood tests on the patient since they come with serious side effects. Another type of oral systemic drug is cyclosporine.

Medications like oral retinoids can provide some relief for patients suffering from severe psoriasis. One major consequence of using oral retinoids for women of child bearing age is that it could bring about birth defects for a period of up to three years so you need to talk to your doctor if you have plans to become pregnant particularly if oral retinoids is in your list of potential treatments.

Newer drugs are now available for those with psoriatic arthritis and severe psoriasis. Some of these drugs are termed “biologic” drugs since they are from a combination of animal and human proteins. Like systemic oral drugs, these medications focus on controlling the immune response of the body. These drugs are quite expensive but effective. Some of these include:

  • Stelara or ustekinumab
  • Humira or adalimumab
  • Enbrel or etanercept

Natural Psoriasis Therapies

Because of the negative effects of medications, many psoriasis patients may resort to natural remedies like vitamins and herbs for treatment. As mentioned before, some of those with psoriasis have found natural sunlight beneficial in the relief of symptoms. Also, ocean water can be helpful and some seaside and oceanside resorts are providing programs for psoriasis sufferers.


Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) which follows a clinical paradigm entirely different from that of Western medicine. In TCM the underlying principle is the belief in chi or vital energy, acupuncture points, the meridians where chi flows and the yin/yang principle which in essence signifies the duality of nature (positive/negative, light/darkness, cold/heat, etc.). Psoriasis according to TCM is a Blood Heat disorder which literally means that inflammation exists in the bloodstream shown as symptoms of scaly, itchy and red patches on the skin. To treat this acupuncture points with cooling attributes and that affects the level of blood are suggested. The blood heat concept can likewise suggest toxins in the bloodstream and the diagnosis can indicate a wide range of factors that can include allergic dermatitis, food allergies or poor diet and lifestyle. To treat this kind of diagnosis acupuncture points with detoxifying attributes are treated to relieve psoriasis.

TCM sees the skin and lungs having many similarities as well as having a close relationship with each other. Therefore improving respiratory function can help treat psoriasis as well as other skin disorders.