Acupuncture and Some Healthy Tips to Help You Stop Smoking for Good

If you want to break the smoking habit for good, acupuncture treatment in Cleveland is the easiest and most effective way to do it. It helps reduce the anxieties, stress, and cravings that you have to endure during the withdrawal process. It also boosts lung capacity and even has the ability to change the smell and taste of your cigarettes that they seem less appealing to you.

Acupuncturists who treat smoking addiction will need to treat you multiple times (perhaps 10 auricular and acupuncture treatment sessions) once or two times a week. To help you quit smoking for good, the following are certain techniques and tips that can help you increase your chances of success:

Identify the Triggers: Observe and understand what factors cause you to reach for and light up a cigarette. They may involve places, people, and situations that make you want to smoke. Write them down in a journal or diary. Then come up with a plan of action or some possible substitution habits to avoid those triggers.

Support: If you are a smoker, one of the most important decisions you can make is the decision to quit smoking. This is because when you quit, you will experience very unpleasant and formidable symptoms along the way. Having someone to support you is extremely important in order to succeed. You will need someone who will listen to you, support you, and give you strength and encouragement along the way.

Ditch the Coffee: Coffee creates cravings and dehydrates your body. Also smoking and coffee are closely associated with each other, which mean drinking coffee can set off your desire to smoke. Relationship to all ‘drugs,’ whether it is caffeine or nicotine, needs to be broken. These are stimulants that activate the same pleasure centers in the brain. If you want to succeed, it is important to cut out all stimulants.

Boundary Setting: If you have decided to stop smoking for good, you need to tell all your smoking associates about it. You need to also ask them politely that if they do smoke, to not do it around you. If that’s not possible, leave the place where smoking is going on. The urge to light up when others are doing so is STRONG. Prepare for these situations by coming up with a plan of action when they occur. Be strong enough to support your goal by taking care of yourself.

Drink Water the Whole Day: Water prevents dehydration (which activates cravings), cleanses the body and helps curb cravings. Bring along a bottle of water with you all day. The amount of water you need to drink each day can be known by dividing your body weight in half. The quotient reflects the number of ounces you need to be drinking every day.

Smart Eating: While you are trying to break the habit, you might find it difficult not to gain weight. To offset weight increase, you need to watch what you’re eating. Stack your fridge with veggie snacks such as celery, or a carrot stick. For protein, I suggest bringing along a bag of almonds when you’re away from home. These foods will provide you with oral stimulation and the right amount of nutrition that will help you stay healthy and not fat.

Meditate: Visualization and deep breathing exercises have been proven techniques that alter brain patterns and relax the body helping overcome anxiety, cravings, fear, and doubt related to quitting smoking. If you are newbie to meditation, a guided meditation can start you on the right path. You can listen to it on a computer, cd, or mp3 player.

Aromatherapy: The brain can be positively stimulated with the right aromas. Place a few drops at the top of your head, at the temples, between the eyes, or on your wrists in the morning. Before your identified trigger moments or every time you feel a craving coming on, breathe these aromas in.

Some scents known to inhibit cravings include:

• Eucalyptus and Marjoram – Has anti-inflammatory qualities can be used against cough.
• Rosemary – For mental stimulation and stress
• Spearmint – For cravings